
ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Airports Magazine 2024 Issue 4: Innovation
This issue features about how AI is transforming aviation and how technology is enabling the growth and development of airports across Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Airports Magazine 2024 Issue 3: Sustainability
This issue you can find out the development of Mactan Cebu International Airport in the Philippines; Zayed International Airport’s customer service strategy; review the latest artworks at Hong Kong and Changi airports; and get an update on the progress of Western Sydney International Airport. And there’s more, as the issue also contains our usual snapshot of news from across the region; highlights the work of ACI APAC & MID, and provides an update of the latest news from the region’s World Business Partners.

Guidelines on the cooperation between Aerodrome Operators and ANSP to enhance safety
This document is the first guidelines jointly published by ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East and CANSO as a result of the agreement that the two associations reached at their first in-person meeting held in May 2023 in Kobe, Japan.

ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Airports Magazine 2024 Issue 2: Show Business Annual Conference Review
Our mid-year issue provides a comprehensive review of the highly successful ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East/ACI World Annual General Assembly, Conference & Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This also also highlights our usual snapshot of sustainability news from across the region; the work of ACI APAC & MID, and provides an update of the latest news from the region’s World Business Partners.

ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Airport Industry Outlook Q1 2024
MEMBERS ONLYThis latest edition of Airport Industry Outlook presents a positive trend in traffic recovery trend in the Q1 2024. The Outlook also has a special focus on Saudi Arabia's Aviation Vision 2030.

ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Membership Directory 2023
MEMBERS ONLYThe ACI Asia-Pacific & Middle East Membership Directory 2023 which includes the composition of the ACI APAC & MID Regional Board, as well as the contact information of our Regular airport members, Affiliate members, Associate members and World Business Partners (WBP).

Year in Review 2023
A collection of milestones and accomplishments

Green Airports Recognition 2024 - Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solutions
The GAR 2024 received an overwhelming submissions, showcasing successful case studies and initiatives in their biodiversity preservation and best practices. This years’ submissions include creative and innovative projects, ranging from Plantation for carbon reduction and social benefits, Marine life conservation by airports, Wetland/ecological rejuvenation, In-house airport horticulture and nursery, and Wildlife management for safe operations. This publication showcases several outstanding projects were identified at airports, including Hong Kong International Airport, Kansai Airport, Mactan-Cebu International Airport, and Queenstown Airport, have undertaken environmental initiatives to promote marine, coastal, wetland and wildlife conservation.