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Macau Airport Successfully Renewed Level 2 ‘Reduction’ of Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme

  • 2022-06-09

Macau International Airport (MIA) strives to reduce its carbon emissions continuously. Since May 2014, MIA has joined the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) Programme launched by Airports Council International (ACI).  In the year of 2022, MIA has successfully renewed the ACA Programme at Level 2 ‘Reduction’.     


The main aim of the ACA Programme is to encourage and enable airports to implement best practices in carbon management for responding to the challenges brought by climate change, with the ultimate objective of becoming carbon neutral.  During the pandemic, MIA implemented different environmental projects and measures according to the Carbon Management Plan. These include replacement of aging vehicles with low or no emission vehicles, replacement of chillers in PTB, implementing seasonal lighting on-off schedule in PTB, maximizing the variety of recycling wastes generated from daily operations etc. By performing the above actions, the total carbon emissions of MIA in 2021 had reduced 17% by comparing to the average of the total carbon emissions of the previous 3 years.


MIA will join the community and our stakeholder in tackling the global climate crisis together, and work towards meeting the targets laid down in our MIA Carbon Management Plan step by step in order to strive for carbon neutrality in the future.

Macau International Airport Successfully Renewed Level 2 ‘Reduction’ of Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme

Macau International Airport Successfully Renewed Level 2 ‘Reduction’ of Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme

Macau International Airport Company Limited
The Trinity Forum 2024, The Moodie Davitt Report, Ho Chi Minh City, Travel, Luxury, IPP Travel Retail
Airport Carbon Accreditation
Airports Innovate, Airports Innovate 2024, Rome Italy, aviation conference
Airport Carbon Accreditation
The Trinity Forum 2024, The Moodie Davitt Report, Ho Chi Minh City, Travel, Luxury, IPP Travel Retail
Airports Innovate, Airports Innovate 2024, Rome Italy, aviation conference