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Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited Further Imposes Effort of a Safe, Secure and Sustainable Restart for YIA

  • 25 Jun 2020

Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited (YACL), the operator of Yangon International Airport (YIA), updated its preventive measures for COVID-19 and regular maintenance as part Airport Public Health Contingency Plan (APHCP), within the airport in line with the recommendation from ICAO. *[ ICAO 27 MARCH - ICAO-CART Report COVID Restart]. Despite a drastic drop in passenger traffic since mid-February 2020, YACL is upholding to be a safe and efficient airport operation to support national requirements even during the period of temporary restrictions for the operation of international flights.


The COVID-19 outbreak has significantly forced the travel industry to a halt. And it has become a significant challenge not only for the business partners such as Airliners, F&B, Cargo, and Retails but also for the Airport Operator since fixed operational costs are accountable for over than 80% of the total operating expenses. It is, however, the YACL's utmost concern that the YIA, the main gateway of Myanmar, ensures smooth, reliable, and safe operation regardless of the unprecedented impact on the aviation industry.


Working Together with Partners

YACL recognizes the challenges and impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on its business partners and stakeholders at YIA. The financial impact on the entire aviation industry is tremendous worldwide, with interventions to support the industry from various States. In this difficult period, as an appreciation of the support and unity with our business partners and stakeholders, YACL has provided waivers and discounts, including rentals to them. We hope in the medium term, the business

continuity and sustainability of our business partners and stakeholders will be strengthened. Together we will all emerge stronger and better prepared for the future.


Impact of Pandemic on YIA

Aircrafts movements at YIA has seen dropped by 85%, compared to the same period last year from March to May, and resulting in a significant shortfall of 96% of passenger traffic. Retails and F&B are only partially open at the domestic terminal-T3 and closed at the international terminal-T1 due to a drop in passengers and guests with the reduced flights and suspension of international flights since 30 March. This is an experience never before encountered at YIA and is the panorama at all airports worldwide.


YIA remains open and operational ready during this period for domestic and international relief flights. The fixed operating costs at YIA have also increased with the new requirements to safeguard public health and operational needs in line with recommendations from the DCA, World Health Organization, and ICAO.  


YIA Continuity and Sustainability

The road to recovery for the aviation and travel industry will be full of challenges and will take time with many uncertainties. Balancing the needs of YIA, its business partners, and stakeholders, YACL had supported businesses with waivers and discounts. Cost-cutting measures are also in place to reduce and manage the continuity and sustainability of every entity, including personnel related to the airport business. 


The management of YACL has declared a salary cut ranging from 25% on the senior management to 5% at the lower level in support of YACL’s continuity and sustainability for the future. Careful considerations were made for the staff who are at the lower end of the scale, are not affected by the salary cut. YACL believe that sacrifices during this period will ensure that the team will emerge stronger at the end of the pandemic with a team spirit of mutual support and understanding. Our priority for most valuable assets, our colleagues, is to safeguard jobs for each and individual members within the company in the long run, as well as to contain the unemployment rate in Myanmar, as a social responsibility and awareness from YACL.


YACL continues to invest in talent management by providing and supporting training opportunities at all levels during this period. While mindful of social distancing practices, some of the internal training has been conducted through e-learning for the development of soft skills, annual refreshment courses as part of the resource management program, in preparedness for the resumption of airport operations.


Mr. Jose Angeja, Chief Operating Officer of YACL, said, "We are indeed going through one of the hardest times in the Air Transport industry that has ever seen. As the airport will resume operations, we remain cautious and careful of our operational activities, implementing all the Public Health requirements and international recommendations for the recovery phase. The current changes at YIA will be the “new normal” within the aviation and travel industry for at least the medium-term.”


“To get a successful, fast, and reliable flight resumption phase, it is of paramount importance that ALL airport private and governmental stakeholders observe and comply with the Public Health rules in place, with no exception for any player. This is a national priority; thus, the responsibility of everyone.”, he added.


 Airports around the world are implementing new procedures and measures, and travelers are encouraged to do their due diligence for documentation requirements when traveling outbound and inbound for the respective airports and final destinations. At this stage, it is of utmost importance to regaining the confidence of the public and passengers, granting that airports are safe and that Public Health shall be preserved at all possible extent.


Mr. Ho Chee Tong, Chief Executive Officer of YACL, said, "With the new operational activities and procedures to safeguard public health put in place at YIA, our employees have been busy with training, and are prepared for the resumption of the International Terminal. The challenges we are facing now and, in the future, can be overcome with the resilient attitude of our team. Our frontliners have made tremendous sacrifices, and I applaud them for their spirit. Everyone’s effort in making YIA a safe place is much appreciated.”


“Retrenchment or lay off of our colleagues is not an option for the management. United, with a little sacrifice from everyone, goes a long way for continuity beneficial in the future. We will seize the opportunities in the future, armed with better knowledge and capacity. Together we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead.", he added.


During the suspension on the international operation, YACL’s operation team remains fully functional to provide the necessary services such as Cargo, Medical, and Relief flights that vital for the sustainability of Myanmar during this pandemic period.

Stay safe.



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