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Yangon International Airport Supports the Launch of “Do’s and Don’ts” in Chinese language

  • 15 Feb 2018

Yangon International Airport (YIA), the largest and busiest airport in Myanmar capable of handling 20 million passengers, showed its ongoing commitment towards promoting the tourism industry in Myanmar with support for the launch of “Do’s and Don’ts” as a venue partner.  Published in Chinese language by The Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in Myanmar, this booklet is specially tailored for Chinese visitors coming to Myanmar.


H.E Ambassador Mr. Hong Liang personally met and greeted arriving passengers coming off the Air China CA905/6 flight which departed on 14 February 2018 from Beijing, China at 19:00 (GMT+8) and arrived at 22:50 local time at Yangon International Airport.


The booklet encourages responsible tourism among Chinese visitors coming to Myanmar, comprising basic information on Myanmar as well as cultural “Do’s and Don’ts”.  The information is meant to raise awareness of the practices and customs within Myanmar culture that Chinese tourists may not be aware of and minimize potential cultural missteps or misunderstandings. The booklet will be available for download via WeChat and also at the Embassy website.


Ultimately, this initiative is in line with The Embassy’s efforts to promote Myanmar as a choice tourist destination in the region, as well as to foster closer friendship ties between the two countries. In 2017, passengers traveling from various Chinese cities to Myanmar totaled 488,292. This accounted for 8.25% of the 5.92 million passengers traveling throughout YIA in the year and represented year-on-year growth of 8%. With the government’s effort to promote tourism to countries such as China, South Korea, Japan and ASEAN, the number of passenger arrivals is expected to continue its healthy growth trend as well.


Paving the way to grow air routes and tourism to Myanmar

Such initiatives reinforce YIA’s commitment and drive towards setting the standard as a high-performance airport which delivers excellence on key areas such as infrastructure, organisation and management.


YIA takes an active role in promoting tourism to the country since the airport is the first point of entry and contact with Myanmar. This follows Tourism Transparency’s recent launch of the “Dos and Don’ts” booklet for tourists in English language in December 2017 in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, which YIA also supported as an event venue partner.



YACL Media Office



Yangon International AirportYangon Aerodrome Company Limited
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